What we collect.

Contact Security collects information from you to provide security and related services. This information includes personal information that may include all or part of the following;

  • Personal and/or business name
  • Home and/or business address
  • Home, business and cell phone numbers
  • Email address(es)
  • Credit, debit, or bank account numbers and related information to process automatic payments.
  • Date of birth
  • Medical information & history (for Medical alert accounts only)

How we collect.

Your information is collected in various ways and may be updated throughout the course of using our services. In most cases we will collect most of the information during the original sale and registration process. We will also collect information via online web forms on our website including forms for sales, call list setup and vacation notices as well as email updates.

Why we collect.  

We collect your personal information to properly service your security needs and help us provided the best service to you. Your information is collected to/for:

  • setup and provide your services and products
  • best determine the products and services to offer
  • understand your specific requirements.
  • enhance and improve our product and services
  • Customer service surveys and marketing follow up.
  • process payment for services we provide.
  • verify your identity. This includes;
    • For cancelling alarm responses
    • For updating account information
    • For inquires of history on your account
  • Developing new products and services
  • Customer retention & feedback
  • Lead generation

Protecting your information

Contact Security will use reasonable technical and administrative measures to protect your personal information.  Unfortunately, no storage system whether electronic or physical, or the transmission of data can be gauranteed to be completely secure.   If you believe that any data transmission (ie. Web forms, email) may no longer be secure please contact us immediately using the information below.

Sharing your information

Contact Security may share your information to provide security services, for legal purposes or company change of control or sale.  Contact Security will not sell your information to third parties for marketing purposes. We share your information to the following;

  • Emergency Services – to provide our services, Contact Security may share your personal information with 911 emergency response services or a third party Guard company if you have signed up for guard response service.
  • Third Parties – Contact Security will provide your personal information to third party monitoring service providers to provide monitoring services. Contact Security may share your information to any other third party to provide services or business purposes as listed above.
  • Legal entities – If required, Contact Security may disclose personal information to requests by legal authorities or for legal reasons to comply with a subpoena or court order, at government or law enforcement request, or that we believe in good faith disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or the safety of others.
  • Transfer of ownership – Contact Security may transfer your personal information to a third party in the event of a sale, transfer or reorganization of our company.

Employees accessing your information

All Contact Security employees are required to sign a confidentiality & non-solicitation agreement as a condition of employment. Your personal information access is restricted to persons who require access in order to serve you.  All installation and sales staff hold a valid security license, as required by law, issued by the Security Service Act of British Columbia.  In the event an employee fails to protect or use your personal information for reasons other than listed above, Contact Security will implement appropriate disciplinary measures, which may include dismissal.

Retaining & Disposing of your information

Contact Security will keep your information for as long as we need to effectively provide services for you and is outlined in this privacy policy.  The appropriate safeguards will be used in disposing or destroying your personal information in order to prevent unauthorized access.

Accessing & amending your information

You have the right to access information held in your personal files with us. If you wish to review or verify your information please write to our privacy office using the address below or send us an email at privacy@contactsecurity.com . In your request please specify which information you wish to obtain. We will respond to requests in a reasonable time.

Having accurate information on file is important to provide the security services for you. Please keep us up to date on any changes and advise us if you notice any errors in your review of your personal information.

Questions, complaints or feedback & Contact information

Contact Security provides this Privacy policy as required by the Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia. This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. Our current version will posted at https://www.contactsecurity.com/privacy and we encourage you to review this policy periodically.  If you have any questions, complaints or feedback about this policy please contact us using the address or email below and we will do our best to resolve any problems or concerns in a timely manner.

By email: privacy@contactsecurity.com